ogd-admin00792022-12-22T15:23:48-05:00If your overhead door isn’t opening then it could be a problem with the springs, cables, or motor.
How do I know if my garage door springs are balanced?
ogd-admin00792022-12-22T15:23:31-05:00If the door is dropping down on its own, then the springs should be adjusted and balanced properly.
How long does a door opener last?
ogd-admin00792022-12-22T15:23:14-05:00The typical lifespan of a door opener is between 10 to 20 years depending on the age, weight, and usage of the door.
How often should my garage door and operator be serviced?
ogd-admin00792022-12-22T15:22:48-05:00To guarantee that your overhead door and operator are working properly, it should be serviced at least once a year.